How To Know Your Air Conditioning Compressor Is Bad

Your air conditioning system comprises many components that can fail at some point in the future. When this happens, you will need to source replacement parts to continue enjoying the cooling performance that the system provides.

One of the AC parts that will require replacement is the compressor. The purpose of the compressor is to move the refrigerant (the essential working fluid of the entire cooling system) between the evaporator and condenser coils under pressure. If this part is damaged or worn-out, all the other elements throughout your air conditioning system will not work.

Here are some indications that your AC compressor may be faulty.

Poor Air Conditioning Performance

Perhaps the most obvious sign of a bad air conditioning compressor is a sharp decline in the cooling output of the system.

If the compressor is faulty, it will not move the refrigerant at the optimal pressure level required to dissipate all of the heat the refrigerant has absorbed. As a result, your air conditioner will blow air that is slightly hotter than expected, leaving you feeling hot and uncomfortable.

If you notice that your AC unit is struggling to cool down your house, you may require a new compressor.

Noisy Outdoor AC Unit

Found in the outdoor compartment of your air conditioning equipment, the compressor does the tough job of compressing and moving the air conditioning refrigerant between the evaporator and condenser coils to deliver cooling performance. It usually cycles on and off several times daily and comprises multiple moving components that wear out over time. 

If you hear loud or unfamiliar noises coming from your outdoor air conditioning unit, your AC compressor could be on its last legs. Keep in mind that your outdoor unit houses other performance-critical parts such as the condenser and condenser fan, which may also produce weird noises.

Spiking Air Conditioning Bills

As the compressor is at the core of your air conditioner's inner workings, any damage to it will put added stress on your entire cooling system. As the system runs longer and harder to keep you cool and comfortable, it will consume more energy and cause your cooling bills to increase.

If you cannot explain the increase in your AC running costs, it is best to have your compressor checked and replaced if necessary.

The compressor is not the only AC component that can fail and require replacement. Your AC consists of many such parts. If you have your AC system checked and find out that you require a new compressor, contact an air conditioning compressor supplier for a quote. 
